The case of Nora
Den här sidan innehåller sentenser ur Moshe Feldenkrais bok - The case of Nora.
Boken handlar om hans möten och arbete med en kvinna, Nora, som fått problem efter ett stroke.
Innehållet i boken har här sammanfattats till olika områden.
Det är inte rena citat men ganska nära utdragen och allt kommer från boken. Den är skriven på engelska och därför har jag behållt orginalspråket i sammanfattningarna. Hoppas att något kanske kan inspirera vidare.
Detta är inte tänkt att vara ett substitut för själva boken utan mer en gruppering av tankarna bakom den och Feldenkrais egen metod.
Boken handlar om hans möten och arbete med en kvinna, Nora, som fått problem efter ett stroke.
Innehållet i boken har här sammanfattats till olika områden.
Det är inte rena citat men ganska nära utdragen och allt kommer från boken. Den är skriven på engelska och därför har jag behållt orginalspråket i sammanfattningarna. Hoppas att något kanske kan inspirera vidare.
Detta är inte tänkt att vara ett substitut för själva boken utan mer en gruppering av tankarna bakom den och Feldenkrais egen metod.
The case of Nora is a book by Moshe Feldenkrais, about his meetings and work with a woman named Nora who came into difficulties after a stroke. In the book Feldenkrais describes his thoughts and ways of acting together with Nora to make her renew her lost abilities, as for instant reading. He also discusses his ideas about learning, development in the light of evolution, perception and awareness among other things in the book.
I have here lifted out what I found most interesting and put this into three different areas:
Thoughts, Techniques and advice, and finally, Nora's example.
The reason for this is to give sort of a summary of the essence of the book. Although, at my best of hopes, my chosen settings will give his different ideas some kind of relation, it is not meant to be an alternative to read the book itself, where Moshe Feldenkrais ties the story of Nora and his work together with his ideas in a beautiful manner.
There are some ways to get knowledge:
learning of skills,
learning where we increase our knowledge or understanding of things we already know,
learning connected to physical growth, which can be considered as most important since we learn the most important things for survival in this way.
Feldenkrais states that the kind of learning, for instance done before all formal teaching, is without failure. (What does learning without failure mean, and does it really exist? Maybe he means without judgemental views? Maybe he thinks about the result in natural habits that just comes after doing things? If learning is without failure then is not every learning without failure? Do you learn something from everything you do as a biological function?).
He separates formal learning to this other learning by stating what it mostly is about, formal learning is about ”what” and the other kind is about ”how”.
Humans are so ignorant about how to learn something, that they believe every realization of a deliberate attempt is a sign that they are not normal.
The limitations of homo sapiens is not yet reached. Mankind has this extraordinary ability to reduce huge complexity to familiar simpleness - to learn. We have not yet used our basic freedom of choice and have just started to learn.
The freedom to learn is a huge responsibility and initially a limitation. When only one way of acting exist there is no options or free will. Learning makes it possible to choose between different ways of acting. Ability to learn is synonymous with freedom in choice and free will. But when you once have learned how to make a choice, then the dice is thrown and the unwritten paper is gone. There lies both the responsibility and the limitations.
To learn is to transform darkness, which is lack of light, to light! To learn is to create. It is to do something from nothing. Learning grows until a light appears.
To reach God’s wisdom and power a human need all its time, the kabbalists say. They learn to satisfy all their earthly needs in short time and therefor increase the time to be able to raise their level of existence.
From evolution
Mankind began as an animal which turn out to be homo sapiens. Every other animal is born with structures which is far more organized to function in almost fixed patterns. Their nerve systems are more complete and their connective patterns which control the actions is almost determined and non changeable, but prepared to act real fast. Homo sapiens comes with a big part of the nerve structures unstructured and makes it available for each individual to adapt their brain after the demands of their environment.
As teacher you can get to learning faster by presenting tasks under the terms which were present when the human brain took its first lessons.
We are so used to certain fenomen that the order of their evolution seems natural. We do not stay to realize that the order also is essential.
Children who couldn’t learn how to write also had problems walking along a straight line according to dr Abe Kirshners experience. It takes several years before a child becomes aware of the abilities of its fingers, when the body sensation can make the finger follow what the eye see. If you help a child to coordinate the eyes with the fingers and by this connection, trigger the will to learn you could save the child from further trouble in being classed as retarded. The solution is not in mere exercise.
The attention of a child comes from the natural curiosity, present in all living creatures. Repeating happens most often caused by the pleasure and freshness in the action for children, and not to learn by intention. The receptivity decreases with the excitement.
A child is receptive but by getting used to minor changes it becomes stronger and less receptive.
Without the ability to feel small changes we take too big steps and reach very soon the limit of human capacity. An ill person cannot make big changes and cannot be helped by it. A childs learning takes several years; relearning for a grownup in trauma takes several months.
If you look for advancement every week it is hard to see change if you don’t concentrate in insignificant details.
Improvement is a gradual process without limit. Cure is a recession to a earlier state of activity. The former is the automatic background in our system, the later the foreground in our conscience. Two different dimensions, one is an old primitive sensation, the other a learned knowledge that gives freedom of choice - which Feldenkrais thinks is human kinds biggest privilege.
Those nerve functions who develops last will be the first to be lost (John Hughling Jacksons law).
The sooner a brain function became evident during the evolution, the lower it is in the whole nerve system of the upright standing human. The spine was developed earlier than the higher parts. The talamus, which is the place for the feelings, developed earlier than the front lobe.
Every new development in the old structures can dampen the lower functions. This lower structure will then be more even and more gradual. The lesser tension in nerves or contractions in muscles is of the type all or nothing at all. Grading in actions is made through higher centers in the nerve structure.
From children
A baby is first of all a hearing animal. But in the perception of the outer world, the sensing comes first and the hearing later.
A childs memory, its ability to mimic everything it hears and to learn a second language is far bigger during the hearing stadium than later, when the seeing plays a bigger role.
Many people grow up without relating their seeing to the outer world, their inner security is more based on the hearing.
The hearing makes what is seen more concrete, easier to remember and then also easier to grasp and understand.
The child who point its attention towards what its eyes sees will decrease its vigilance and will forget about a big part of its surroundings. Further on it learns how to get information from both ears AND eyes.
Then it listens with the ears and controls precision and details with the eyes.
To see what we see in a photo we need experience from childhood. When a baby chooses he is not a baby anymore but a wise child.
Getting older
At two years of age, when our nerve system reached 4/5 of its final size and weight, everything is in its place and the learning takes part according to more fixed plans, which most of the time limits freedom of choice and learning.
Many sufferings have its start in our belief that human growth and education is the education of a complete being with ability to many things, as if it were to get a computer to do certain activities.
An example of this can be made by taking away your sight for some time and noticing how much you didn’t notice when you had ability to see.
We can expand our awareness to our whole environment. Our ears did it before the information started to get partially ignored or forgotten, when the seeing became dominating instead of just dominant.
Older persons have harder to learn, mostly cause they only attend to a small part of their awareness. What they learn is not associated to their whole as it was when they were children. That is the difference between learning the telephone number of someone you hardly know or of someone you are in love with.
Our nerve systems is not from the beginning bound by some reality, they are like unwritten papers when we are born into this world.
To get young people to learn something is like writing on normal paper but to get old people to learn is like writing on blotting paper.
Innovate an ability.
An ability occur by training of a structure until a qualified function is achieved. The ability is initially uneven and rudimentary. As it is used also with reasonable variations the ability becomes a skill. Within this time a huge amount of nerve cells has been involved in this. When a skill cannot be performed as before anymore, some of these cells, which were essential for the performance, doesn’t work anymore. But there might be a lot of cells left that also helped in the skill and in some cases it is possible make these cells specialized to perform the skill, however most often in another way. This is to innovate not recreate.
Body awareness
Body awareness is a concrete thing that covers our ability to sense in a kinetic way, the sensation of movements. The muscular-spatially temporal sense perceive the orientation and is a important help when we move.
A human body and its I - its being - are inseparable.
Awareness is learned. We have to learn the sense of right and left that we know and use in daily life.
What happened earlier and did that at a certain time make it possible to get your own shoes on without help?
Did you know that learned functions only exists in the left brain for right handed persons?
In right-handed persons the functions which demand a long and complicated learning is always found in the left brain.
The ability to learn right-left orientation demands a playful mind, the ability to play at the same time as you learn to observe without the intention to learn. But it also demands intentional attention and the ability to sense differences.
Stimuli below the threshold of pain has no meaning without awareness, awareness gives them meaning. Or is it the discernment of meaning that is awareness?
To be able to sense differences is either existing in a person or not existing in them. Nobody else can feel differences for you.
To feel differences is deliberate perception and a witness of successful learning.
Its important to follow the steps in your actions and not think in abstract words.
Connections with words
For a long time we speak what we see and are requested to do so. Many people move their lips when reading. Some people have never been able to read faster than they verbalize. But thousand words in one minute is impossible to read aloud. But it is possible to read this fast when you learned to read without speaking.
Words is not thoughts, it is keys to thoughts. Communication is not sharing of thoughts, its only hopes and attempts for sharing thoughts. If as atmosphere of understanding creates it can be possible to recreate the substance of the words from a real friend or loved person.
Its sad that the verbal communication cannot be more than a clue, cause subjects in real communication must be thought, imagined, felt, experienced or invented.
To speak is nothing but to communicate something that already has been, if only a short moment ago.
The well known words often makes us content and could then stops us from thinking constructive.
Abstractions which make your thinking inactive and disoriented.
The word can in time and with use become a real thing - something that exist. Who makes this? You or your unconscious?
I know how I live - but not what life is.
There are as many subjective realities as there are subjects.
One only objective reality for everybody is the only thing common to every subjective and also what we use to communicate between ourselves.
There is a third Reality, which probably is older than the first two and is predicted to exist whether you or I live or not, whether we know of it or not. It is far more complicated and can only be learned superficially through science, philosophy, music and poetry.
Our sense of self-importance makes us believe our subjective reality is as good as every other.
The objective reality is less whimsical. Its a experience that is shared by all other people. It limits and restricts our subjective reality to something we all can agree about. The objective reality is a measure of our spiritual health.
Our belief that we know the third Reality is an illusion and a measure of our ignorance.
There are some ways to get knowledge:
learning of skills,
learning where we increase our knowledge or understanding of things we already know,
learning connected to physical growth, which can be considered as most important since we learn the most important things for survival in this way.
Feldenkrais states that the kind of learning, for instance done before all formal teaching, is without failure. (What does learning without failure mean, and does it really exist? Maybe he means without judgemental views? Maybe he thinks about the result in natural habits that just comes after doing things? If learning is without failure then is not every learning without failure? Do you learn something from everything you do as a biological function?).
He separates formal learning to this other learning by stating what it mostly is about, formal learning is about ”what” and the other kind is about ”how”.
Humans are so ignorant about how to learn something, that they believe every realization of a deliberate attempt is a sign that they are not normal.
The limitations of homo sapiens is not yet reached. Mankind has this extraordinary ability to reduce huge complexity to familiar simpleness - to learn. We have not yet used our basic freedom of choice and have just started to learn.
The freedom to learn is a huge responsibility and initially a limitation. When only one way of acting exist there is no options or free will. Learning makes it possible to choose between different ways of acting. Ability to learn is synonymous with freedom in choice and free will. But when you once have learned how to make a choice, then the dice is thrown and the unwritten paper is gone. There lies both the responsibility and the limitations.
To learn is to transform darkness, which is lack of light, to light! To learn is to create. It is to do something from nothing. Learning grows until a light appears.
To reach God’s wisdom and power a human need all its time, the kabbalists say. They learn to satisfy all their earthly needs in short time and therefor increase the time to be able to raise their level of existence.
From evolution
Mankind began as an animal which turn out to be homo sapiens. Every other animal is born with structures which is far more organized to function in almost fixed patterns. Their nerve systems are more complete and their connective patterns which control the actions is almost determined and non changeable, but prepared to act real fast. Homo sapiens comes with a big part of the nerve structures unstructured and makes it available for each individual to adapt their brain after the demands of their environment.
As teacher you can get to learning faster by presenting tasks under the terms which were present when the human brain took its first lessons.
We are so used to certain fenomen that the order of their evolution seems natural. We do not stay to realize that the order also is essential.
Children who couldn’t learn how to write also had problems walking along a straight line according to dr Abe Kirshners experience. It takes several years before a child becomes aware of the abilities of its fingers, when the body sensation can make the finger follow what the eye see. If you help a child to coordinate the eyes with the fingers and by this connection, trigger the will to learn you could save the child from further trouble in being classed as retarded. The solution is not in mere exercise.
The attention of a child comes from the natural curiosity, present in all living creatures. Repeating happens most often caused by the pleasure and freshness in the action for children, and not to learn by intention. The receptivity decreases with the excitement.
A child is receptive but by getting used to minor changes it becomes stronger and less receptive.
Without the ability to feel small changes we take too big steps and reach very soon the limit of human capacity. An ill person cannot make big changes and cannot be helped by it. A childs learning takes several years; relearning for a grownup in trauma takes several months.
If you look for advancement every week it is hard to see change if you don’t concentrate in insignificant details.
Improvement is a gradual process without limit. Cure is a recession to a earlier state of activity. The former is the automatic background in our system, the later the foreground in our conscience. Two different dimensions, one is an old primitive sensation, the other a learned knowledge that gives freedom of choice - which Feldenkrais thinks is human kinds biggest privilege.
Those nerve functions who develops last will be the first to be lost (John Hughling Jacksons law).
The sooner a brain function became evident during the evolution, the lower it is in the whole nerve system of the upright standing human. The spine was developed earlier than the higher parts. The talamus, which is the place for the feelings, developed earlier than the front lobe.
Every new development in the old structures can dampen the lower functions. This lower structure will then be more even and more gradual. The lesser tension in nerves or contractions in muscles is of the type all or nothing at all. Grading in actions is made through higher centers in the nerve structure.
From children
A baby is first of all a hearing animal. But in the perception of the outer world, the sensing comes first and the hearing later.
A childs memory, its ability to mimic everything it hears and to learn a second language is far bigger during the hearing stadium than later, when the seeing plays a bigger role.
Many people grow up without relating their seeing to the outer world, their inner security is more based on the hearing.
The hearing makes what is seen more concrete, easier to remember and then also easier to grasp and understand.
The child who point its attention towards what its eyes sees will decrease its vigilance and will forget about a big part of its surroundings. Further on it learns how to get information from both ears AND eyes.
Then it listens with the ears and controls precision and details with the eyes.
To see what we see in a photo we need experience from childhood. When a baby chooses he is not a baby anymore but a wise child.
Getting older
At two years of age, when our nerve system reached 4/5 of its final size and weight, everything is in its place and the learning takes part according to more fixed plans, which most of the time limits freedom of choice and learning.
Many sufferings have its start in our belief that human growth and education is the education of a complete being with ability to many things, as if it were to get a computer to do certain activities.
An example of this can be made by taking away your sight for some time and noticing how much you didn’t notice when you had ability to see.
We can expand our awareness to our whole environment. Our ears did it before the information started to get partially ignored or forgotten, when the seeing became dominating instead of just dominant.
Older persons have harder to learn, mostly cause they only attend to a small part of their awareness. What they learn is not associated to their whole as it was when they were children. That is the difference between learning the telephone number of someone you hardly know or of someone you are in love with.
Our nerve systems is not from the beginning bound by some reality, they are like unwritten papers when we are born into this world.
To get young people to learn something is like writing on normal paper but to get old people to learn is like writing on blotting paper.
Innovate an ability.
An ability occur by training of a structure until a qualified function is achieved. The ability is initially uneven and rudimentary. As it is used also with reasonable variations the ability becomes a skill. Within this time a huge amount of nerve cells has been involved in this. When a skill cannot be performed as before anymore, some of these cells, which were essential for the performance, doesn’t work anymore. But there might be a lot of cells left that also helped in the skill and in some cases it is possible make these cells specialized to perform the skill, however most often in another way. This is to innovate not recreate.
Body awareness
Body awareness is a concrete thing that covers our ability to sense in a kinetic way, the sensation of movements. The muscular-spatially temporal sense perceive the orientation and is a important help when we move.
A human body and its I - its being - are inseparable.
Awareness is learned. We have to learn the sense of right and left that we know and use in daily life.
What happened earlier and did that at a certain time make it possible to get your own shoes on without help?
Did you know that learned functions only exists in the left brain for right handed persons?
In right-handed persons the functions which demand a long and complicated learning is always found in the left brain.
The ability to learn right-left orientation demands a playful mind, the ability to play at the same time as you learn to observe without the intention to learn. But it also demands intentional attention and the ability to sense differences.
Stimuli below the threshold of pain has no meaning without awareness, awareness gives them meaning. Or is it the discernment of meaning that is awareness?
To be able to sense differences is either existing in a person or not existing in them. Nobody else can feel differences for you.
To feel differences is deliberate perception and a witness of successful learning.
Its important to follow the steps in your actions and not think in abstract words.
Connections with words
For a long time we speak what we see and are requested to do so. Many people move their lips when reading. Some people have never been able to read faster than they verbalize. But thousand words in one minute is impossible to read aloud. But it is possible to read this fast when you learned to read without speaking.
Words is not thoughts, it is keys to thoughts. Communication is not sharing of thoughts, its only hopes and attempts for sharing thoughts. If as atmosphere of understanding creates it can be possible to recreate the substance of the words from a real friend or loved person.
Its sad that the verbal communication cannot be more than a clue, cause subjects in real communication must be thought, imagined, felt, experienced or invented.
To speak is nothing but to communicate something that already has been, if only a short moment ago.
The well known words often makes us content and could then stops us from thinking constructive.
Abstractions which make your thinking inactive and disoriented.
The word can in time and with use become a real thing - something that exist. Who makes this? You or your unconscious?
I know how I live - but not what life is.
There are as many subjective realities as there are subjects.
One only objective reality for everybody is the only thing common to every subjective and also what we use to communicate between ourselves.
There is a third Reality, which probably is older than the first two and is predicted to exist whether you or I live or not, whether we know of it or not. It is far more complicated and can only be learned superficially through science, philosophy, music and poetry.
Our sense of self-importance makes us believe our subjective reality is as good as every other.
The objective reality is less whimsical. Its a experience that is shared by all other people. It limits and restricts our subjective reality to something we all can agree about. The objective reality is a measure of our spiritual health.
Our belief that we know the third Reality is an illusion and a measure of our ignorance.
Techniques and advice
Start every case as if it is your first and put more questions to yourself than any of your pupils or critics ever do.
Understand our way to function, for us to make life easier and more pleasant.
If you manage to improve your orientation and body awareness you can make a basic change which can improve every other actions in your life. Our life quality is still highly dependent of how our personal equipment works.
There is a necessity to estimate the trauma to plan the work for the treatment to come. Evolution means order. The natural order cannot be turned or skipped.To which age has the observed functions regressed to?
It is important to find the age that the function is at before trying to train and innovate something in somebody.
Diagnosis in words can hinder your mind to think for itself.
To see if you lock into habitual ways of thinking in words, next time you count money, try to do it without speaking.
Much of the things you might do in lessons (FI) contains no speaking, but yet do most times speak as everybody else. It would make a person suspicient and worried if you not speak with him as normal.
The student is not expected to achieve something, only take notice of the sensing experience in attempts to move.
On the head is all the sensory organs. An action concerning the senses, also affects your way of moving the head. A injured neck, spine or muscle can influence the movement of the head. This you can feel when you try to feel another persons head with your hands, the movements of the head seems not soft and regular or even all the way through the movement.
An examination of the head movements gives a decent idea of the examined body’s self-control and awareness. Examination and treatment becomes very close related when working in this way.
The work with asking questions is to detect differences and also take use of certain objects to help the movements.
In the scenario of meeting someone disabled, try not to think in words and not logically and in correct sentences. Imagine the relevant structure of the nerves by seeing them before your inner eye. Imagines one part that produces a flow of fluids. One part of the flow is electrical, than it becomes chemical than again it becomes electrical. After much transforming it ends up in a muscle contraction and this muscle work ends in a extern action of the body or body parts that influences or transforms the direct environment.
When you get stuck in a point where you cannot get the flow or the possible objects or problems in its way. Then ask if the problems is a difusion, dampening, deviation, loss of power, loss of communication or a barrier for some of these transformations.
You can use different practical settings to make differences more visible to both yourself and the person you works with.
Don´t push a person into a new action before she happens to stumble in that action by herself and sees a new wish or new action as a sign of increasing health.
Wait until movement patterns that is connected with fear dissolves before acting further or expressing further wishes. This dissolution often appears when a person is thinking about or preparing a way to do something she hasn’t done for years or maybe never.
Avoid asking for such actions that could create stress or fear.
You can make use of repeats, contrasts, reorientation and other things to make the learning easier and smoother.
A damage on the left side of the head/brain normally causes both paralyzation in right leg and arm aswell as afasi or loss of speech.
In the end of sessions (FI), change the persons position from the one used in the session to sitting with a technique so the person can keep as much relaxation as possible during this transformation.
The effects of Feldenkrais work change the inhibition and stimuli of the cortex, which is seen by the contracting or relaxing of the muscles. The material support of the emotional content linked to a certain habitual attitude is taken away, and the person becomes aware of its emotion. When she through reduction of the excess energy of the contraction become aware of the emotional contents which is connected to her body behavior (patterns of movements), she becomes peaceful and expresses her feelings calmly. An increased wellbeing which can last for a while often occurs.
Understand our way to function, for us to make life easier and more pleasant.
If you manage to improve your orientation and body awareness you can make a basic change which can improve every other actions in your life. Our life quality is still highly dependent of how our personal equipment works.
There is a necessity to estimate the trauma to plan the work for the treatment to come. Evolution means order. The natural order cannot be turned or skipped.To which age has the observed functions regressed to?
It is important to find the age that the function is at before trying to train and innovate something in somebody.
Diagnosis in words can hinder your mind to think for itself.
To see if you lock into habitual ways of thinking in words, next time you count money, try to do it without speaking.
Much of the things you might do in lessons (FI) contains no speaking, but yet do most times speak as everybody else. It would make a person suspicient and worried if you not speak with him as normal.
The student is not expected to achieve something, only take notice of the sensing experience in attempts to move.
On the head is all the sensory organs. An action concerning the senses, also affects your way of moving the head. A injured neck, spine or muscle can influence the movement of the head. This you can feel when you try to feel another persons head with your hands, the movements of the head seems not soft and regular or even all the way through the movement.
An examination of the head movements gives a decent idea of the examined body’s self-control and awareness. Examination and treatment becomes very close related when working in this way.
The work with asking questions is to detect differences and also take use of certain objects to help the movements.
In the scenario of meeting someone disabled, try not to think in words and not logically and in correct sentences. Imagine the relevant structure of the nerves by seeing them before your inner eye. Imagines one part that produces a flow of fluids. One part of the flow is electrical, than it becomes chemical than again it becomes electrical. After much transforming it ends up in a muscle contraction and this muscle work ends in a extern action of the body or body parts that influences or transforms the direct environment.
When you get stuck in a point where you cannot get the flow or the possible objects or problems in its way. Then ask if the problems is a difusion, dampening, deviation, loss of power, loss of communication or a barrier for some of these transformations.
You can use different practical settings to make differences more visible to both yourself and the person you works with.
Don´t push a person into a new action before she happens to stumble in that action by herself and sees a new wish or new action as a sign of increasing health.
Wait until movement patterns that is connected with fear dissolves before acting further or expressing further wishes. This dissolution often appears when a person is thinking about or preparing a way to do something she hasn’t done for years or maybe never.
Avoid asking for such actions that could create stress or fear.
You can make use of repeats, contrasts, reorientation and other things to make the learning easier and smoother.
A damage on the left side of the head/brain normally causes both paralyzation in right leg and arm aswell as afasi or loss of speech.
In the end of sessions (FI), change the persons position from the one used in the session to sitting with a technique so the person can keep as much relaxation as possible during this transformation.
The effects of Feldenkrais work change the inhibition and stimuli of the cortex, which is seen by the contracting or relaxing of the muscles. The material support of the emotional content linked to a certain habitual attitude is taken away, and the person becomes aware of its emotion. When she through reduction of the excess energy of the contraction become aware of the emotional contents which is connected to her body behavior (patterns of movements), she becomes peaceful and expresses her feelings calmly. An increased wellbeing which can last for a while often occurs.
Noras example
Feldenkrais helps her to get comfortable, relaxed and reduce the tension in her body so she could sense and feel very small, light movements. This is so that the nervous system successively stop holding the muscles in the normal state of contractions and instead becomes ready to move instantly.
Slowly and without force he changed from moving her head to the right and the left to a hardly distinguishably pressure against her head. This pressure, in the direction of the spine, must be applied very carefully and practiced well so it doesn’t cause tension anywhere in the spine.
When the automatic parts of the nervous system feels less reaction of heaviness in body parts this increases the relaxation even more.
From day to day, Feldenkrais varied his technique some and started with a new part of the body until the whole body was gone through. In the end of each session he touched one part at the right side and called out the name of this part. Many days he spoke only about her right side and avoided the word ”left”. When turned from lying on her back to lying on her stomach everything had to start all over again. Noras projected her sense of right and left from the wall or the sofa and not from her own body.
Noras difficulties is to make words out of the letters, not to see the letters or speak the words.
With the use of a straw from the mouth leading to something written is to help Noras eyes to focus. Later this object is changed to a pen, where Feldenkrais intention is to get Nora writing in the long term but starts out making her follow the text with the pen. When she grabs the pen with the whole hand and not as for writing, he gets her to first use her index finger to point and follow the text to make the connection with the pen and the way the index finger points.
The use of matched colors between the straw and the background for one eye to find out which of Noras eyes that was dominant.
After a few days Nora actually draws a line between text she read, and she gets a feeling she is going to learn how to write by herself.
He felt Noras way of saying ”I cannot” contained a conviction that he himself couldn’t avoid to see that she couldn’t do this ”something”.
As long as the procedure with Nora only was a stimuli and didn’t influence her awareness she could bear it. When it then got meaning it also got enformig when repeated without a plan.
Feldenkrais draws letters with his finger on Noras body and then used her own finger to draw these letters.
Patience, not planned merely accessible, and successive transition from teacher relation to friendship between two persons was enough to make way for Nora to again, eventually, learn how to write.
Noras nerve system had, as all humans, parts that wasn’t organized at all . only the structure was there without the connection that made it work. This initial structural stadium, the unwritten paper, can start to function first after personal experience of the Reality is made. The Reality helps the structure to organize so it fits in the environment which we have to live in.
Nora was unaware of those functions she initially had learned and which neither was inherited. If they later would have been lost her life would be over, but the thing she lost was only the learned organisation.
Slowly and without force he changed from moving her head to the right and the left to a hardly distinguishably pressure against her head. This pressure, in the direction of the spine, must be applied very carefully and practiced well so it doesn’t cause tension anywhere in the spine.
When the automatic parts of the nervous system feels less reaction of heaviness in body parts this increases the relaxation even more.
From day to day, Feldenkrais varied his technique some and started with a new part of the body until the whole body was gone through. In the end of each session he touched one part at the right side and called out the name of this part. Many days he spoke only about her right side and avoided the word ”left”. When turned from lying on her back to lying on her stomach everything had to start all over again. Noras projected her sense of right and left from the wall or the sofa and not from her own body.
Noras difficulties is to make words out of the letters, not to see the letters or speak the words.
With the use of a straw from the mouth leading to something written is to help Noras eyes to focus. Later this object is changed to a pen, where Feldenkrais intention is to get Nora writing in the long term but starts out making her follow the text with the pen. When she grabs the pen with the whole hand and not as for writing, he gets her to first use her index finger to point and follow the text to make the connection with the pen and the way the index finger points.
The use of matched colors between the straw and the background for one eye to find out which of Noras eyes that was dominant.
After a few days Nora actually draws a line between text she read, and she gets a feeling she is going to learn how to write by herself.
He felt Noras way of saying ”I cannot” contained a conviction that he himself couldn’t avoid to see that she couldn’t do this ”something”.
As long as the procedure with Nora only was a stimuli and didn’t influence her awareness she could bear it. When it then got meaning it also got enformig when repeated without a plan.
Feldenkrais draws letters with his finger on Noras body and then used her own finger to draw these letters.
Patience, not planned merely accessible, and successive transition from teacher relation to friendship between two persons was enough to make way for Nora to again, eventually, learn how to write.
Noras nerve system had, as all humans, parts that wasn’t organized at all . only the structure was there without the connection that made it work. This initial structural stadium, the unwritten paper, can start to function first after personal experience of the Reality is made. The Reality helps the structure to organize so it fits in the environment which we have to live in.
Nora was unaware of those functions she initially had learned and which neither was inherited. If they later would have been lost her life would be over, but the thing she lost was only the learned organisation.